This system is a tracking device used to monitor the incoming and outgoing time of the employee. It can be done by biometric recognition or web service. This system is used in industries and IT sectors where a large number of workers are working. They need to pay extra for the attendance maintenance instead of it time attendance system is introduced.
This system records the working hours of the employee separately, the leave taken by the employee, and hours delayed for work. All these details will be recorded in this single system. This makes the employer’s work easy to pay wages to the employee. As this is a system program, no one can fault the employer with fake details.
You can be monitored by providing a card or biometrics, where you need to use the card or biometrics to record your working hours. The information will be shared automatically with the employer’s system. Where the system will create the time sheet for each employee and calculate the wages using the time sheet.
This device also captures the break, over time, work done and so on. Based on the program used in it, it notes the employee’s details. They also note your number of leaves taken and the purpose of the leaves. The process of recording all the details is known as the time attendance system.
Manual attendance systems lead to mistakes, and it is an expenditure of time and cost for the organization. Humans may lead to make mistakes, but machines will work according to the program given. So most of organization shifted to machine attendance. Now instead of machine software are there to make your attendance. It notes the IP address of the website where you login and logout. And the time period you have worked for, the months and other details properly and pass them to the organization